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So we are all connected; everyone knows that on one level or another. Some of us know it so clearly that we are having to filter OUT information all day long.  Information that comes at us from all sources.  People think they are subtle, but for those of us who can “hear without words” it’s not subtle at all. 

Animals of course do this all day long. They don’t have language, so the only thing they can do is “hear” with their hearts. Or “feel” things, people, “vibes” etc.

Mule Deer in Paradise Valley

I learned how to listen with my body through working with my first horse, Madrasi. To be a good rider, you really can’t do it any other way.  That skill grew through my horsewoman-ship. I became a professional animal intuitive, but I prefer to call myself an ecointuitive because if you listen REALLY closely, you can hear rivers, trees, and “place.”

This is why I call myself an “ecointuitive” to certain people who can get it. It’s really not all that mystical or weird or special. It’s just something that “is” for me.  And when I tune out everything else, and tune in to the animal or tree or place I want to hear, it’s pretty easy. 

I find this helps the humans who live with these animals and on the places.